Author: B.F. Howell
Two Dresbachian and two Trempealeauian faunas occur in the Kittatinny beds of northern New Jersey. Species of Dendrograptus, Hyolithdlus, Hyolithes, Lingulella, Lingulepis, Westonia, Dicettomus, Linnarssonella, Finkelnburgia, Orusia, piethopdtis, Plethometopus, Stenopilus, Acheilops, Bowmania, Crepicephaius, Clevelandella, Triarthropsis, Stenochilina, Saukiella, Prosaukia, Calvinetta, Tellerina, Illaenurus, and Indianites, and three new genera of trilobites are described. Most of the species are new.
Published: 11/12/1945
Pages: 46
Product Category: EBooks