Author: Paul F. Kerr
The tungsten occurrences in the United States are discussed from the standpoint of origin. Broad zones in which tungsten deposits are more abundant than elsewhere are indicated. These encircle the Colorado plateau, an eastern arc embracing the Colorado-Wyoming area, a central arc extending from Arizona to Montana through Utah and eastern Nevada, and a western arc trending northward from southern California. Aside from an occurrence in North Carolina the localities east of the Cordillera are of little consequence. The tungsten deposits are related to igneous intrusives which are prevailingly Laramide in the central and eastern arcs and Nevadian in the western arc. Related intrusives vary widely in size, and the deposits are found in several relationships with respect to the igneous masses. The intrusives themselves are largely acidic, while tungsten deposition is related to the aftermath rather than earlier stages of invasion…
Published: 3/09/1946
Pages: 241
Product Category: EBooks