Authors: J. Lamar Worzel, Maurice Ewing, and C.L. Pekeris
This book contains three parts: Explosion Sounds in Shallow Water, Theory of Propagation of Explosive Sound in Shallow Water, and Long-Range Sound Transmission. From the abstract of the first part: Seismic investigations of various water-covered areas by the refraction method are described. These areas were chosen for their diverse geologic columns. The instrumentation was such that frequencies from 10 cycles per second to 10,000 cycles per second were investigated and analyzed. Intensity measures of the various frequencies were also made. Recordings were made using geophones and hydrophones for sound receivers. The water-borne sounds in 10 and 20 fathoms of water showed marked frequency dispersion, although sounds originating in very deep water showed no dispersion when recorded in shallow water. The dispersion appears to be governed by the water depth and the bottom material. No water-borne sounds were originated when shots were placed on land or when land intervened on a straight path from shot to receiver. High frequencies disappear more rapidly with distance than low frequencies…
Published: 10/15/1948
Pages: 256
Product Category: EBooks