Chairman: Chester R Longwell, with papers by R.C. Moore, E.D. Mckee, S.W. Müller, E.M. Spieker, H.E. Wood II, L.L. Sloss, W.C. Krumbein, and E.C. Dapples
This book contains six principal addresses and an additional fifteen discussions. The principal addresses are "Meaning of fades," by Raymond C. Moore; "Facies changes in the Colorado Plateau," by Edwin D. McKee; "Sedimentary facies and geologic structures in the Basin and Range province," by Siemon Wm. Muller; "Sedimentary facies and associated diastrophism in the Upper Cretaceous of central and eastern Utah," by Edmund M. Spieker; "Oligocene faunas, facies, and formations," by Horace Elmer Wood II; and "Integrated facies analysis," by L.L. Sloss, W.C. Krumbein, and E.C. Dapples.
Published: 6/17/1949
Pages: 171
Product Category: EBooks