Full Title: Ecology of Foraminifera, Northwest Gulf Of Mexico: Part I. Foraminifera Distribution and Part II. Foraminifera Species
Authors: Fred B. Phleger and Frances L. Parker
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Foraminifera populations have been analyzed from 550 bottom samples, 65 submarine cores, and 27 serial plankton tows from the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Twenty-five complete hydrographic stations and 473 bathythermograms give data on the temperature and salinity conditions. Field and laboratory methods are described. Six benthonic Foraminifera depth facies are recognized, with boundaries at the following approximate depths: 80-120 m., 180-220 m., 500-750 m., 1000-1300 m., and 1800-2000 m. Subfacies are recognized in some traverses, especially in depths shallower than 100 m. Determination of facies and subfacies is based largely on overlap ranges of species. Temperature range is suggested as a key factor affecting facies distribution. The most marked facies boundary is at 80-120 m., the depth of the top of the main thermocline. Above this depth oceanographic conditions are strikingly different from those at greater depths.
Published: 9/14/1951
Pages: 64
Product Category: Memoirs