Full Title: Geologic Structure and Orogenic History of Venezuela: Text to Accompany the Author's Geologic Tectonic Map of Venezuela
Author: Walter H. Bucher
Técnico de Geología y Minería in Venezuela's Ministerio de Fomento, invited the writer to compile a tectonic map of the country. This was to accompany a new geologic map on the scale of 1 : 2,000,000 of which a tentative first draft had been prepared by the Servicio. When the writer accepted, he thought in terms of a generalized tectonic sketch on the same scale as the geologic draft map of the Servicio, showing only major structural units and trend lines, after the fashion of the Tectonic Map of the United States (1 : 2,500,000) which had been published the year before...
Published: 2/25/1952
Pages: 113
Product Category: EBooks