Authors: C. L. Camp, S. P. Welles, and Morton Green
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Three volumes have previously appeared in this series, covering the world literature of vertebrate paleontology and Paleolithic anthropology for the years 1928-1943. These have been published by The Geological Society of America as Special Papers no. 27 (Camp and VanderHoof, 1940); no. 42 (Camp, Taylor, and Welles, 1942); and Memoir 37 (Camp, Welles, and Green, 1949). The present volume completes a twenty-year period continuing from 1928, the closing date of the North American bibliographies compiled by Oliver P. Hay. Some articles not cited by Hay (1902A, 1930A) have been entered in this and preceding issues, and the date letterings of these references are consecutive with Hay's listings. The system of continuous dating and lettering has been applied to our own previously cited authors as well as those of Hay. Indexed references which are not listed in the present Author Catalogue may be found in the previous volumes…
Published: 4/29/1953
Pages: 465
Product Category: Memoirs