Full Title: Type Specimens of Marine Mollusca Described by P.P. Carpenter from the West Coast (San Diego to British Columbia)
Author: Katherine Van Winkle Palmer
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A report undertaken to investigate, locate, and illustrate the marine molluscan West Coast species described by Philip Pearsall Carpenter (1819-1877), an important figure in early American conchology, and to bring the data together to form a foundation on which researchers on the fauna can evaluate the original data in the Iight of more extensive information. Illustrations of more than 190 types and of many original specimens with pertinent data are included. Whereabouts of the types have been determined; lists regarding depositories of types, type localities, evaluation of names, analysis of available Carpenter material, and historical background have been included.
Published: 3/01/1958
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1076-6
Pages: 376
Product Category: Memoirs