Full Title: Conodonts and Zonation of the Upper Devonian in the Great Basin
Authors: David L. Clark and Raymond L. Ethington
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A review of Upper Devonian conodonts has been attempted with the idea of comparing the German system of zonation with that of the Great Basin. This review has led to the recognition of 12 distinct conodont assemblages in the Great Basin Upper Devonian, each of which corresponds in sequence and important faunal elements to the zones defined in the Upper Devonian of Germany. With the multiple zonation now recognized in the Lower and Middle Devonian of the Great Basin, a useful Devonian zonation with conodonts is available. The primary task of conodont students until now has been the recording of basic taxonomic and stratigraphic data. This report, as such, is primarily a biostratigraphic study of Great Basin Devonian rocks. Although much work of this nature remains to be done, it is already time that the serious student can look beyond this initial kind of work to the equally valuable and perhaps more interesting biologic and ecologic research. In general, the material secured for this study is not of sufficient quantity or quality to permit biometric analysis, nor has it been possible to enlarge upon the poorly understood concept of multi-element biologic species or of evolution in conodonts. However, the taxonomy and stratigraphy reported here become part of a larger body of information published during the last few years which will form the basis of the varied biologic as well as paleoecologic and paleobiogeographic determinations. These latter studies offer more of a challenge than similar studies of any other fossil group.
Published: 5/01/1968
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1103-6
Pages: 94
Product Category: Memoirs