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Index Fossil Recent Silicoflagellates and Ebridian

Index Fossil Recent Silicoflagellates and Ebridian

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Full Title: Index of Fossil and Recent Silicoflagellates and Ebridians with Descriptions and Illustrations of Validly Proposed Taxa

Authors: Alfred R. Loeblich III, Laurel A. Loeblich, Helen Tappan, and Alfred R. Loeblich Jr.

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The silicoflagellates and ebridians, minute silica-secreting marine planktonic flagellates, have been known both in the fossil state and from the present seas for more than a century. They are "claimed" both by zoologists, who regard them as protozoans, and by botanists, who regard them as algae, but they have received little attention by stratigraphers and generally have been neglected by paleontologists in the Western Hemisphere. Studies of these organisms have proven their stratigraphic value and it is with the hope of focusing attention on them, and on various problems associated with their study, that this index is presented. All published silicoflagellate and ebridian taxa of generic rank and lower, both fossil and Recent, are indexed. Citations of their geographic and geologic provenance, and place of original publication are included, and their nomenclatural status indicated. In summary, this memoir may serve as a single reference source for original descriptions and illustrations of all validly proposed taxa through 1967.

Published: 5/01/1968

ISBN Number: 0-8137-1106-1

Pages: 319

Product Category: Memoirs