Authors: Walter Häntzschel , Farouk EI-Baz, and G. C. Amstutz
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Coprolites, or fossilized animal excrements, have received much attention from some paleontologists and geologists for nearly 150 years. This liberally illustrated work is more than a bibliography —it constitutes as complete a review of present knowledge as is possible. The introductory section discusses some general questions about coprolites—their origin, classification, and geologic significance. This is followed by the Annotated Bibliography itself, which contains definite abstracts of all the literature that was available to and consulted by the authors. An appendix lists the animals to which coprolites have been ascribed and the "generic" names of the relatively few coprolites that have been named.
Published: 5/01/1969
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1108-8
Pages: 132
Product Category: Memoirs