Editor: Edwin B. Eckel
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Since 1956, when the United States began to investigate the feasibility of underground testing of nuclear devices, the Nevada Test Site has been studied in detaiI by teams of earth scientists. Possibly no area of comparable size in the United States has been more thoroughly studied, yet is less widely known to the earth science community. The primary purpose of these studies was to aid and advise the Atomic Energy Commission in all phases of its duty to conduct safe and effective underground tests of nuclear explosives. A necessary by-product of these pragmatic investigations, however, was an enormous growth of scientific knowledge of the complex geologic and hydrologic conditions that exist in and near the Test Site. This basic knowledge was regularly applied in the nuclear test program, but not until 1966 was it feasible to report many of the findings to the professional public. The technical sessions of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section, The Geological Society of America, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, on May 11-14, 1966, focused on the geology and hydrology of the Nevada Test Site. The summary story of these investigations was so ably presented at the meeting, and was so well received there, that the Society immediately sought the privilege of bringing it to a still wider audience through publication. This volume is the result. Except for minor additions and corrections, all papers in this collection appear essentially as they were presented orally at the meeting. Most illustrations have been redrawn to meet the requirements of reproduction on paper, but their content and detail are unchanged from the lantern slides displayed during the talks.
Published: 5/01/1968
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1110-X
Pages: 290
Product Category: Memoirs