Full Title: Igneous and Metamorphic Geology: A Volume in Honor of Arie Poldervaart
Editors: Leonard Larsen, Martin Prinz, and Vincent Manson
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Arie Poldervaart, 1918-1964, a truly great geologist and teacher, died at the age of 46. Some of the innumerable students and friends whom he had inspired in his too-short professional life compiled this volume as a means of perpetuating his memory. These 19 papers report enlightened, modern studies of the geology of many parts of the world. Though the emphasis of most is the petrology of igneous and metamorphic rocks, Poldervaart's depth and breadth of interest is reflected in papers on structural geology and tectonism, on regional gravity, and on geochemistry. Some of the papers report modern studies of classic localities that have long puzzled geologists; others describe newer problem areas. All of them add new insight to our knowledge of Earth.
Published: 5/01/1969
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1115-0
Pages: 561
Product Category: Memoirs