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Taxonomic Revision Cretaceous Cenozoic Tellinidae

Taxonomic Revision Cretaceous Cenozoic Tellinidae

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Full Title: Taxonomic Revision of the Superspecific Groups of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic Tellinidae

Author: Freydoun Afshar

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The pelecypod family, Tellinidae, constitutes one of the most distinctive groups of the shallow water marine molluscan faunas. It is represented in all of the oceans and seas from the polar to the tropical regions and within these waters is found from "the level of high water of neap tides" to depths in excess of 600 fathoms. From within this wide range of geographic and bathymetric distribution, a large number of species and varieties have been described. Paleontologic literature reveals an apparently equally cosmopolitan distribution and abundance of species during Cretaceous and Cenozoic times. In this work, earlier attempts at a classification of the family Tellinidae are reviewed, and a classification of the family based on shell characters is proposed. These essential characters are the nature of the hinge teeth and the nature of the pallial sinus; characters of secondary importance are the shape of the shell, sculpture, relative position of the umbones, and size of the shell. A diagnosis of each genus and subgenus is given, together with bibliographic references, citation of the type-species, and geologic range of the taxon, and a description and figure of each type species.

Published: 10/01/1969

ISBN Number: 0-8137-1119-3

Pages: 215

Product Category: Memoirs