Full Title: Regional Tectonic Synthesis of Northwestern New England and Adjacent Quebec
Author: Wallace M. Cady
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The exceedingly complicated tectonic relations of northwestern New England and adjacent Quebec are here studied in the perspective of a 30,000-square mile region in the northwestern extension of the Appalachian belt. This region Iies athwart a major change in the trend of the mountains from northerly in southern New England to northeasterly in northern New England and southern Quebec. The synthesis here presented is essentially a rationale of the tectonics of the region. It brings to Iight many unforeseen relations. The various tectonic features and related bodies of rock are described and interpreted in the order of their first appearance. The principal biostratigraphic and radiometric evidence is closed with a running account of the chronology.
Published: 11/01/1969
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1120-7
Pages: 181
Product Category: Memoirs