Author: J.G. Johnson
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The present work is an attempt to discover the make-up of brachiopod faunas of Siegenian and Emsian age in the Great Basin, particularly as they occur in the more fossiliferous localities in central Nevada. It is a preliminary but comprehensive account of the brachiopods and their succession according to a zonal scheme with the fullest possible description and illustration of the common brachiopods and many of the rare ones. It is regarded as a basis for future investigations. The upper Lower Devonian brachiopods of central Nevada compose a large assemblage of which 127 species distributed among 83 genera are known. Almost all are known from silicified specimens that allow a better understanding of a number of genera for the first time.
Published: 11/01/1970
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1121-5
Pages: 423
Product Category: Memoirs