Editors: Walter C. Sweet and Stig M. Bergström
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Conodonts, first described and illustrated in 1856 by Christian Heinrich Pander, were abundant and widely distributed in the past. Their phosphatic skeletal elements are common microfossils in marine rocks that range in age from Middle Cambrian through at least the Upper Triassic. For about 70 years after their discovery, conodonts seem to have been regarded largely as curiosities. Little serious systematic attention was paid to them until 1926, when Ulrich and Bassler demonstrated the utility of these microfossils in solving stratigraphic problems. The Symposium on Conodont Biostratigraphy was sponsored by the North-Central Section of The Geological Society of America and the Pander Society, an informal group of conodont workers. The symposium convened at the Ohio State University on May 15 and 16, 1969, at which time the invited papers assembled in this volume were presented orally and discussed. Taken collectively, these papers provide a remarkable summary of current biostratigraphic research based on conodonts. This summary can also serve as a primer for biostratigraphers and as a point of departure for much-needed additional work.
Published: 8/01/1971
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1127-4
Pages: 499
Product Category: Memoirs