Full Title: Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in the Western Hemisphere
Author: John D. Ridge
Compiled and written primarily as an aid to economic geologists, this volume is a revision and expansion of Memoir 75, Selected Bibliographies of Hydrothermal and Magmatic Mineral Deposits, which though briefer, was worldwide. A bibliography of each ore deposit in the Western Hemisphere formed by magnetic or hydrothermal processes, is accompanied by a note section, which is an excellent résumé of the deposit. The notes contain a brief description of the location, size, and geology of each deposit as well as a list of the principal minerals, a classification of the deposit according to the modified Lindgren classification, and other pertinent data. Of the 238 deposits listed, 216 are in North America and 22 are in South America. The volume is supplemented by five indices (author, alphabetical index of deposits, deposits according to age of mineralization, deposits according to metals and minerals produced, and index according to modified Lindgren classification), and two appendices (classification of ore deposits and an outline of topics to be considered in the study of an ore deposit). This volume should be a well-used supplement to textbooks on economic geology.
Published: 11/01/1972
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1131-2
Pages: 681
Product Category: EBooks