Full Title: Studies in Earth and Space Sciences: A Memoir in Honor of Harry Hammond Hess
Editors: R. Shagam, R.B. Hargraves, W.J. Morgan, F.B. Van Houten, C.A . Burk, H.D. Holland, and L.C. Hollister
A collection of papers written in honor of H.H. Hess. A fitting tribute to a scientist whose insight was a major contributing factor to the revolution that has encompassed every aspect of the earth sciences in the past decade. Topics in this collection of papers include geotectonics (18 papers), ultrabasic rocks (8 papers), Caribbean geology (11 papers), petrology (3 papers), mineralogy (4 papers), deformation of materials (3 papers), environmental geology (2 papers), and space science (4 papers).
Published: 12/01/1972
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1132-0
Pages: 683
Product Category: EBooks