Editors: Robert F. Black, Richard P. Goldthwait, and H.B. Willman
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To the late Lewis M. Cline goes the credit for the initial impetus for this symposium volume. As Technical Chairman of the 1970 Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America, he conferred with Black on possible topics for symposia at the Milwaukee meeting, and specifically questioned whether something on the Pleistocene would be timely. This led to the sanction by the Geomorphology Group of a symposium on the Pleistocene and to the appointment of the undersigned as a committee to carry out the wishes of the group. The committee selected the Wisconsinan Stage as a representative and amenable topic. Because of timing and the availability of contributors, it was not possible for the committee to obtain anywhere near the number of papers desired to provide representative coverage of the Wisconsinan Stage in the Midwest and other areas of the world. This volume includes all but one of the six papers actually presented at the symposium in Milwaukee. Some of the nine additional papers were presented in part at the regular sessions of the Annual Meeting, and others are more recent offerings. The committee recognizes both regional and topical gaps in this coverage of the Wisconsinan Stage. However, between papers on historical perspective for the Midwest and both polar regions, its scope is considered to be sufficiently broad to provide the reader with a reasonable concept of the development of thought on the Wisconsinan Stage, its present status, and to indicate some trends for the future. We wish to thank the individual contributors for their cooperation in the demanding and difficult task of bringing this volume to completion.
Published: 4/01/1973
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1136-3
Pages: 334
Product Category: Memoirs