Full Title: Quantitative Studies in the Geological Sciences--A Memoir in Honor of William C. Krumbein
Editor: H. Timothy Whitten
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In the middle of January 1973, a small group of people, long associated with William C. Krumbein, conceived the idea of preparing a monograph to honor both his past leadership in quantitative geology and his continuing stimulus to colleagues and students. Each paper in this volume reflects the impact of some different aspects of Krumbein's research and teaching. The papers are loosely grouped under six headings: (1) stratigraphic, sedimentary, and paleontological topics; (2) sediment transport; (3) geophysics and hydrodynamics; (4) geochemistry; (5) petrology; and (6) statistical methodology. The range of subject matter is large. Krumbein was frequently at pains to emphasize that most quantitative techniques, although developed to cope with a specific problem, commonly find ready application to many other domains. Hence, it is particularly appropriate that this volume include both a selection of specific applications of objective quantitative techniques to clearly defined earth science problems and a group of methodological papers. Of particular interest in the latter group is Watson's paper, which reviews and develops in detail the mathematics underlying the exciting new work in stereology; recent developments (mainly by French scientists and their texture analyzer) have demonstrated the importance of stereological techniques to the quantitative study of sedimentary and other particulate rocks. This work and other methodological research are likely to be forerunners of the next cycle of advance in objective, quantitative and qualitative, earth science; that is, in a continuation of the trends so ably fostered by William C. Krumbein.
Published: 2/01/1975
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1142-8
Pages: 406
Product Category: Memoirs