Full Title: Cenozoic History of the Southern Rocky Mountains: Papers deriving from a symposium presented at the Rocky Mountain Section meeting of The Geological Society of America, Boulder, Colorado, 1973
Editor: Bruce F. Curtis
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Much new knowledge about the eventful Cenozoic Era in the Southern Rocky Mountains region has arisen from intensive geologic studies made during the past decade. Geologic relations long obscure and puzzling have become greatly clarified by radiometric age data, by careful petrologic analyses of sedimentary and volcanic rocks, by extension of paleontological studies, and by detailed mapping. Ogden Tweto, a leader of these new inquiries (and of earlier ones), recognized a few years back that some parts of this emerging Cenozoic story of the Southern Rocky Mountains had been scattered in publications of varying accessibility and that many other parts were quite fresh and unpublished. He saw that the new information had accumulated in ample quantity and had developed a form coherent enough to be of great importance to geologists with interests in such diverse matters as the economic mineral deposits, regional tectonics, volcanology, stratigraphy, sedimentation, paleontology, and geomorphology of this mountain area. Plainly the time was appropriate for putting together a comprehensive account of the regional Cenozoic history, and fortunately Tweto was willing to organize this account as a symposium for the 1973 Rocky Mountain Section meetings of the Geological Society of America. The papers in this volume, contributed by many of those responsible for the new state of knowledge, derive from that very successful symposium, but are in a somewhat more detailed form.
Published: 6/01/1975
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1144-4
Pages: 279
Product Category: Memoirs