Full Title: Tectonic and Stratigraphic Studies in the Eastern Great Basin
Editors: David M. Miller, Victoria R. Todd, and Keith A. Howard
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The part of the eastern Great Basin and adjoining Rocky Mountains discussed here includes central and northern Utah, eastern Nevada, and southern Idaho. A geologically diverse region, it contains rocks from Archean, Proterozoic, and every Phanerozoic system; complex structures that include a major Mesozoic overthrust belt; and extensional faults and metamorphic core complexes. The papers in this volume range widely in geologic specialty and geography. The chief subject is tectonics, which the authors address by means of structural analysis, stratigraphy, geochronology, and geophysics. To emphasize continuity of stratigraphy and structure, the 19 papers are ordered geographically, beginning with the Wasatch front and progressing westward. Related: MWR151, MWR152, MWR153, SPE208.
Published: 1/01/1983
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1157-6
Pages: 333
Product Category: Memoirs