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Proterozoic Geology: Selected Papers…

Proterozoic Geology: Selected Papers…

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Full Title: Proterozoic Geology: Selected Papers from an International Proterozoic Symposium

Editors: L.G. Medaris Jr., C.W. Byers, D.M. Mickelson, and W.C. Shanks

The Proterozoic Eon encompasses the transition from Archean conditions to those of the Phanerozoic. A declining thermal regime resulted in the growth of stabilized continental crust. It also led to the initiation of modern-style plate tectonics and the emergence of an atmosphere and hydrosphere similar to those of the present, creating attendant effects on evolutionary life, the nature of sedimentation, and the formation of mineral deposits. The 23 papers are organized into five broad topics—tectonics, magmatism and metamorphism, mineral deposits, life and the oceans, and glaciation—coordinated with effective diagrams and maps. One of the few modern, comprehensive volumes available on this critical segment of Earth history. If you have begun to think (or teach) that we have figured out the changes in tectonic style through Earth history, read this book. Excellent for upper level students.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 1/01/1983

ISBN Number: 0-8137-1161-4

Pages: 324

Product Category: EBooks