Editors: B.W. Evans and E.H. Brown
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For the first time, modern observational, theoretical, and laboratory data bearing on this tectonically significant suite of rocks are integrated. For decades, blueschists and related rocks-including eclogites-have fascinated petrologists with a tectonic bent because their mineralogy, requiring a history of rapid deep burial followed by rapid uplift, seriously challenges our concepts of Earth dynamics. Interpretation of blueschist facies rocks in light of a tectonic event requires a diversity of geology tools. The papers in this volume report both on refinements of these tools and on their regional applications. Important constraints on the tectonic processes of blueschist formation emerge. Twenty-eight papers treat aspects of high-pressure metamorphic minerals, phase equilibria, regional petrology, tectonics, structure, and radiometric dating. Required reading for metamorphic petrologists and tectonicians, it will be useful for many years to come.
Published: 4/01/1986
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1164-9
Pages: 432
Product Category: Memoirs