Full Title: Fossil Conchostraca of the Southern Hemisphere and Continental Drift: Paleontology, Biostratigraphy, and Dispersal
Author: Paul Tasch
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Does the record of fossil conchostracan of the southern continents contain credible evidence of nonmarine dispersal between them during portions of Paleozoic and Mesozoic? This volume covers biostratigraphic and taxonomic studies carried out by the author as he pursued this question. He has collected fossils in Africa, Australia, Antarctica, India, and South America, and supplemented his collection with fossils from collections of colleagues and museums. The data, he claims, indicate a need for reexamination of pre-Drift placement of India and Africa. New taxa are described. Includes 49 outstanding plates, six appendices, and an author-prepared index.
Published: 9/25/1987
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1165-7
Pages: 304
Product Category: Memoirs