Full Title: Geology of the Henry Mountains, Utah, as Recorded in the Notebooks of G. K. Gilbert, 1875-76
Editor: Charles B. Hunt
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Go back in time with this volume and experience the thrill of discovering brand new geologic concepts! Accompany one of America's greatest geologists, Grove Karl Gilbert, through these field notes of his trip into Utah's Henry Mountains in 1875-1876. Here is an exciting, firsthand record of this historic field trip during which Gilbert introduced the concept of laccoliths and demonstrated clearly that intrusive igneous masses can deform the rocks into which they intrude. Gilbert's notes became the guide for Charles Hunt's many seasons of work in the same area 60 years later. Now Hunt shares Gilbert's notes and maps with us, adding asides and clarifications of his own to create a fascinating combination of geologic history and frontier Americana. For young geologists, Gilbert's precise and elegant field sketches and descriptions provide a virtual course book in field operations, techniques, and geologic sketching. An enjoyable book for all, and an essential companion for anyone exploring this scenic section of the great American West on their own. Companion: SPE183. Related: MIC010, CSV001.
Published: 5/27/1988
Pages: 234
Product Category: Memoirs