Author: A.C. Riccardi
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This excellent summary synthesizes the existing knowledge of the Cretaceous System of southern South America. It gives a general account of the stratigraphy, magmatism, tectonism, paleontology, and paleogeography of Argentina, Bolivia, southern Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. In the first part is a description of the Cretaceous rocks on the basis of generalized sections of the most important areas or basins. In the second part is a summary of patterns of plutonism, volcanism, tectonism, paleontology, transgressive-regressive history, and paleogeographic evolution. Includes more than 1,100 bibliographic references, a general correlation chart of the entire area, and 16 tables listing the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of all described and figured fossils. Profusely illustrated with maps, sections, photographs, and 18 plates of Cretaceous cephalopods (Tithonian to Maastrichtian ammonites).
Published: 5/01/1988
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1168-1
Pages: 161
Product Category: Memoirs