Full Title: Geology and Paleontology of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula
Editors: Rodney M. Feldmann and Michael O. Woodburne
This small, desolate island, located off the northeast tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, contains one of the most important records of Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary life in the Southern Hemisphere. The prophetic words of early explorer/scientist Otto Nordenskjold about the importance of the deposits here have been borne out by spectacular paleontologic discoveries during the past ten years discoveries that have provided new insights into the geologic history of Antarctica and answers to old questions about life in the Southern Hemisphere that have puzzled naturalists since Darwin's voyage on HMS Beagle. The authors provide an enormous amount of information in 22 chapters.
Published: 7/01/1988
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1169-X
Pages: 576
Product Category: EBooks