Editors: L. C. Pakiser and Walter D. Mooney
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The authors are leading U.S.G.S. seismologists who for decades have notably contributed to solid earth geophysics. In this volume they have produced a comprehensive review and evaluation of our knowledge of the structure of the crust and upper mantle of the continental United States, exclusive of Alaska, as determined from geophysical observations. This is a valuable background source for research on the structure, composition, and geologic evolution of the continental crust and upper mantle. With 840 pages and 3 foldout plates, it makes an excellent self-contained coursebook presenting: the geophysical methods of studying the crust and upper mantle; a region-by-region review of crustal and upper-mantle structure; continental overviews based on the different geophysical methods; and geologic and petrologic syntheses based largely on the geophysical results. The authors are from universities, government agencies, and research institutions. Related: MWR152, MWR157, MWR158, MWR171.
Published: 4/01/1989
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1172-x
Pages: 811
Product Category: Memoirs