Product Code: MWR174
Editor: J. Lawford Anderson
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The North American Cordillera records the tectonic, metamorphic, and magmatic history of a continental margin active since the middle Paleozoic. Many fine volumes deal with regional tectonics, metamorphism, core complexes, and paleogeography, but until now no comparable set of papers has dealt with the remarkable compositional span of igneous activity that characterizes the orogen. These papers are from individuals doing research in specific areas of the orogen, and emphasize magma genesis (including the role of multiple source control and changes of magmatic trends caused by fractional crystallization), assimilative fractional crystallization, and mixing. Here is an abundance of new data and exciting interpretations on the Mesozoic and Tertiary igneous suites of the Cordillera from Baja California to Alaska, including work in the Peninsular Ranges batholith, Transverse Ranges, Mojave Desert and Lake Mead regions, Sierra Nevada batholith, Salinian magmatic arc, Great Basin, Klamath Mountains, Idaho batholith, Colville igneous complex, and Coast batholith. Related: MWR152, MWR153, MWR159, CFG001.
Published: 4/01/1990
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1174-6
Pages: 425
Product Category: Memoirs