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Permian-Triassic Pangean Basins and Foldbelts along the..

Permian-Triassic Pangean Basins and Foldbelts along the..

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Full Title: Permian-Triassic Pangean Basins and Foldbelts along the Panthalassan Margin of Gondwanaland

Editors: J.J. Veevers and C.MCa. Powell

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The 12,500 km margin of Gondwanaland from Argentina to eastern Australia subsided during synchronous stages of Pangean extension and diachronous Panthalassan subduction that formed a foreland basin (Du Toit's "Gondwanide foredeep") by craton-ward thrusting of a foldbelt/magmatic arc ("Samfrau Orogenic Zone"). After reconstructing Permian-Triassic Gondwanaland, authors writing on South America, South Africa, Antarctica, and Australia profusely illustrate the relevant geology of each sector in maps and time-space diagrams underpinned by robust biostratigraphic and radiometric dating. The work is then drawn together in a stratigraphic-tectonic synthesis, which features the specifically Gondwanan glaciogene and coal facies, the Early and Middle Triassic coal gap, and the interplay of Pangean and Panthalassan tectonics.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 5/01/1995

ISBN Number: 0-8137-1184-3

Pages: 372

Product Category: Memoirs