Full Title: Gondwana Master Basin of Peninsular India between Tethys and the Interior of the Gondwanaland Province of Pangea
Authors: J.J. Veevers and R.C. Tewari
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The Gondwana master basin grew during Permian and Triassic time on Precambrian basement between the Tethyan margin and interior rebound. Coal measures accumulated in valleys between growing faults. The Triassic succession lacked coal, except for coaly shale deposited in valleys renewed by Late Triassic Pangean rifting. Deposition ended during an Early Jurassic phase of intense transpression that dismembered the lobate master basin into individual structural basins. The basin lay 1000 km inboard of the passive, locally volcanic, margin of Tethyan Gondwanaland in a 10,000-km-wide radial drainage system that focused on an upland in conjugate East Antarctica. The basin evolved through interplay of the Gondwanan climate and biota with the Pangean tectonics of latest Carboniferous initial subsidence, Late Triassic rifting of and anisotropic basement, Early Jurassic internal dismemberment, and Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous breakup.
Published: 1/23/1996
ISBN Number: 0813711878
Pages: 78
Product Category: Memoirs