Full Title: Palynological Correlation of Major Pennsylvanian (Middle and Upper Carboniferous) Chronostratigraphic Boundaries in the Illinois and Other Coal Basins
Author: Russel A. Peppers
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Major chronostratigraphic boundaries in the Middle and Upper Carboniferous of the Illinois Basin, Western Interior Coal Province, Appalachian Coal Region, western Europe, and the Donets Basin in Russia are correlated by use of palynomorphs. Correlations are based on comparison of the first and last appearances of spore species and significant changes in relative abundance of taxa in coal beds in the carboniferous equatorial belt. The major palynological changes at the Middle-Upper Pennsylvanian boundary are discussed in detail. The study evaluates new as well as published palynological data. Some studies of fossil plants that provide useful chronostratigraphic information also are included where appropriate. Major divisions used in the various classification systems of Carboniferous strata are discussed. This investigation reinforces some previous biostratigraphic correlations and offers different interpretations of other correlations.
Published: 3/01/1996
ISBN Number: 0-8137-1188-6
Pages: 118
Product Category: Memoirs