Full Title: Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Baja California and Southern California
Editors: Douglas M. Morton and Fred K. Miller
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The Peninsular Ranges batholith is the southern part of the Cretaceous magmatic arc that extends over 1500 km from northern California to the tip of Baja California. The emphasis of this volume is on the more completely exposed northern 600 km of the Peninsular Ranges batholith. Petrology, geochronology, and regional aspects of individual plutons, as well as evolution of part of the overall batholith are discussed in the 24 chapters. A number of chapters deal with geophysical, chemical, and isotopic interpretations of the genesis and evolution of the batholith. A CD-ROM containing detailed color maps and a wealth of chemical, isotopic, mineralogic, and physical properties data is included.
Published: 4/23/2014
ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-1211-6
Pages: 758 plus CD-ROM
Product Category: Memoirs