Full title: Structural Analysis and Chronologic Constraints on Progressive Deformation within the Rincon Mountains, Arizona: Implications for Development of Metamorphic Core Complexes
Authors: G.H. Davis, E. Bos Orent, C. Clinkscales, F.R. Ferroni, G.E. Gehrels, S.W.M. George, K.A. Guns, C.E. Hanagan, A. Hughes, A. Iriondo, G. Jepson, C. Kelty, R.W. Krantz, B.M. Levenstein, S.H. Lingrey, D.P. Miggins, T. Moore, S.E. Portnoy, L.J. Reeher, and J.W. Wang
The Catalina-Rincon metamorphic core complex (Tucson, Arizona, USA) is a type Cordilleran metamorphic core complex. This volume draws together decades of investigations into the geology of the Rincons, and presents results of multi-scale mapping and structural analysis of the Catalina detachment zone, a superbly exposed crustal-scale shear zone. A structural model for progressive incremental deformation synthesizes geological observations into a kinematic/mechanical framework. To this is added the first substantive application of multi-method geochronology and thermochronology, results of which place the evolution of the detachment zone (from mylonitization through cataclasis to exhumation) into a narrow time window, i.e., from ca. 26 to 17 Ma.
Published: 09/06/2023
ISBN Number: 9780813712222
Pages: 125
Product Code: MWR222
Product Category: Memoirs