Full Title: Catastrophic Landslides: Effects, Occurrence, and Mechanisms
Editors: Stephen G. Evans and Jerome V. DeGraff
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Reviews in Engineering Geology, volume 15
This volume documents further advances in our knowledge of catastrophic landslides since the pioneering compilations of the late 1970s by Barry Voight. It provides a worldwide survey of catastrophic landslide events written by leading authorities. Catastrophic Landslides begins by drawing upon South America to dramatically illustrate the impact of these phenomena on human populations. The occurrence of catastrophic landslides, including site-specific insights, is shown through six events of the past 20 years. Several other chapters focus on the mechanisms involved with catastrophic landsides both in relation to geologic factors in a particular geographic area as well as to specific geologic processes.
Published: 12/20/2002
ISBN Number: 0813741157
Pages: 412
Product Category: Reviews in Engineering Geology