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Humans as Geologic Agents

Humans as Geologic Agents

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Editors: Judy Ehlen, William C. Haneberg, and Robert A. Larson

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Reviews in Engineering Geology, volume 16

Homo sapiens is the only known species to consciously effect change to the Earth’s geologic environment. We reshape the Earth; intensify erosion; modify rivers; change local climates; pollute water resources, soils, and geologic media; and alter soils and the biosphere. We dig holes in it, remove parts of it, and bury highly toxic materials in it. In this volume, the authors explore human impact on the Earth and attempt to answer the following questions. What have we done to Terra? How fast have we effected change? Are the changes permanent? Are they good, or have we inadvertently caused more damage? Can we, should we, repair some or all of these changes? These are important questions for the geoscience community because, as those most knowledgeable about the Earth and its resources, geologists play a major role in sustaining and preserving the Earth.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 12/01/2005

ISBN Number: 0813741165

Pages: 168

Product Category: Reviews in Engineering Geology