Full Title: Ground Penetrating Radar - Principles, Practice and Processing
Instructor: Christopher Kenney
Date: Friday, 4 April, 2025
Time: 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Format: In-Person
Location: GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting 2025, Sacramento, California, USA
CEU: 0.40
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a technology that uses radio waves to image into the subsurface to detect buried objects and boundaries. It has found widespread use in geology for more than 40 years for mapping geological structure and stratigraphy as well as groundwater and mineral exploration. GPR systems were once complicated to use but newer systems have simpler designs and user interfaces that allow users from many diverse communities to adopt the technology for their particular problems and challenges. This course covers basic GPR theory, data interpretation, hands-on field work and case studies. The field portion takes the class outside to practice collecting GPR data, including GPR cross sections integrated with GPS. Afterward, we will return to the classroom, and the instructor will transfer the data from the GPR system to the computer and process in the software. GPS integration and displaying data in Google Earth is also covered. A few case studies are presented to expose students to data from other application areas.
By purchasing this item, you are buying a seat for an in-person course.
Short courses offer continuing education units (CEUs). One CEU equals 10 hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.
Learn more about this and other Cordilleran Section Meeting Events.
For additional information, please contact Rebecca Taormina, rtaormina@geosociety.org, GSA Field Trip and Short Program Coordinator.
Product Code: SC25CD5
Product Category: SHORTC