Full Title: Classrooms, Careers, and Communities: Maximizing Your TA Experience
Instructor: Katherine Ryker, Megan Plenge
Endorsers: International Association for Geoscience Diversity; National Association of Geoscience Teachers; GSA Geoscience Education Division.
Date: Friday, 21 March, 2025
Time: 3 p.m.–5 p.m.
Format: In-Person
Location: GSA Southeast Section Meeting 2025, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
CEU: 0.20
This short course will introduce students to evidence-based teaching practices for geoscience labs. Participants will identify strategies to enhance instruction, explore extensive resources via Teach the Earth, and connect with other TAs. We will also discuss education-focused career paths, communities in geoscience education, and ways to get recognition for teaching.
By purchasing this item, you are buying a seat for an in-person course.
Short courses offer continuing education units (CEUs). One CEU equals 10 hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.
Learn more about this and other Southeast Section Meeting Events.
For additional information, please contact Rebecca Taormina, rtaormina@geosociety.org, GSA Field Trip and Short Program Coordinator.
Product Code: SC25SE7
Product Category: SHORTC