Full Title: Ozarkian and Canadian Cephalopods Part III: Longicones and Summary
Authors: E.O. Ulrich, Aug.F. Foerste, A.K. Miller, and A.G. Unklesbay
From the original preface: This report, together with Special Papers 37 and 49, constitutes the second in a series of monographs that are being prepared on Ozarkian and Canadian faunas. The first, Special Paper 13, dealt with the brachiopods, and others now in preparation cover the gastropods and the trilobites. The collections that form the primary basis for these studies were assembled over a period of many years by the senior author with the assistance of members of the United States Geological Survey.
From the original abstract: Long slender straight and slightly curved nautiloids are of widespread occurrence in the Early Paleozoic of the United States, Canada, and Newfoundland. They appear in the Lower Ozarkian and are abundant in the Upper Ozarkian and the Upper Canadian. A few species are known from contemporaneous beds in Greenland, northwestern Europe, eastern Asia, and probably Australia and South America. Externally most of the American forms are similar, though some are smooth and others are annulated. Chiefly on the basis of the figure of the conch, the nature of the surface, the shape of the sutures, and particularly the structure of the siphuncle they have been divided into eleven families: the Stemtonoceratidae (3 species representing 2 genera), the Endocycloceratidae (5 species, 2 genera), the Bassleroceratidae (41 species, 10 genera), the Rudolfoceratidae (8 species, 3 genera), the Orthocerotidae (20 species, 7 genera), the Robsonoceratidae (2 species, 1 genus), the Spyroceratidae (29 species, 3 genera), the Endoceratidae (70 species, 9 genera), the Suecoceratidae (3 species, 1 genus), the Bathmoceratidae (1 species, 1 genus), and the Eothinoceratidae (1 species, 1 genus). All but four of these families are represented in both the Ozarkian and the Canadian, and these four contain only a few aberrant forms.
Published: 11/27/1944
ISBN Number: 9780813720586
Pages: 236
Product Category: EBooks