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Analyzed Calciferous and Subcalciferous Amphiboles

Analyzed Calciferous and Subcalciferous Amphiboles

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Full Title: A Catalog of Analyzed Calciferous and Subcalciferous Amphiboles Together with Thier Nomenclature and Associated Minerals

Author: Bernard E. Leake

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From the original catalog copy: Amphiboles are among the commonest minerals in metamorphic and igneous rocks, but their compositions are undoubtedly the most complex and variable of all the rock-forming minerals. Despite the immense volume of published data on the amphiboles, there are still major uncertainties about their chemistry and paragenesis, while the nomenclature of the group is a jungle of confusion. This catalogue presents the 1,217 published amphibole analyses, accompanied by the physical constants and the calculated half-unit cell contents. Reference source, locality, mineral assemblage, and an indication of the quality of the analysis are given for each. A rational nomenclature is proposed.

Published: 1/01/1968

ISBN Number: 9780813720982

Pages: 216

Product Category: Special Papers