Full Title: Origin and Paleochmatic Significance of Large-Scale Patterned Ground in the Donnelly Dome Area, Alaska
Authors: Troy L. Péwé, Richard E. Church, and Marvin J. Andresen
From the original catalog copy: Changes in the amount of ice in perennially frozen ground are among the best indicators of climatic history. The large-scale patterned ground of the Donnelly Dome area, southeast of Fairbanks, originated in Wisconsin time, when the mean annual air temperature was at least 3° C colder than now. A polygynal network of thermal-contraction cracks formed in the gravel during winters, and ice wedges grew in the permafrost. Later, warming of the climate caused the frozen gravel to thaw and the ice wedges melted, leaving voids that were soon filled with sediments.
Published: 7/03/1969
ISBN Number: 0813721032
Pages: 95
Product Category: EBooks