Author: Kenneth R. Walker
From the original catalog copy: The Palisades Sill of New Jersey and New York has long been known to provide a complete section of differentiated basic intrusion. It has been studied by many geologists and petrologists, but a number of aspects of the petrology have remained obscure. This work records an attempt to solve some of these problems by applying modern petrological knowledge to a complete re-examination. The detailed field, mineralogical, petrological, and chemical study of the Palisades Sill has provided solutions to some, though not all, of the existing problems of its petrogenesis and, in particular, of its differentiation. Additionally, a study of element partitioning between mineral phases with progressive crystalization has yielded much new information on element behavior with fractionation in tholeiitic magma.
Published: 9/09/1969
ISBN Number: 0813721113
Pages: 190
Product Category: EBooks