Full Title: Pleistocene-Recent Stratigraphy, Evolution, and Development of the Apalachicola Coast, Florida
Authors: Jon E. Schnable and H. Grant Gooddell
From the original catalog copy: This paper summarizes the Pleistocene–Recent subsurface stratigraphy and sediments of the Apalachicola delta and coast of northwest Florida between Cape San Blas and Alligator Harbor. The subsurface stratigraphy, environments of deposition, and relative and absolute ages of the sediments are related to late Pleistocene–Recent sea-level fluctuations and geologic history of the northwest Florida coast based on lithologies, fossils, and radiocarbon dates of material recovered from borings made to the Micoene–Pleistocene contact level.
Published: 11/07/1968
Pages: 80
Product Category: EBooks