Full Title: Geology and Regional Metamorphism of Some High-Grade Cordierite Gneisses, Front Range, Colorado
Authors: Dolores J. Gable and Paul K. Sims
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From the original catalog copy: Cordierite is common in the high-grade regional metamorphic rocks of Precambrian age in the central part of the Front Range of Colorado. It occurs in sillimanitic biotite gneisses, commonly associated with garnet and potassic feldspar, and to a lesser extent, in more mafic gneisses in association with gedrite. These occurrences of cordierite resemble those found in many other parts of the world. This study of the Front Range rocks was made to determine the main factors responsible for the assemblages, the degree to which the rocks represent equilibrium assemblages, and the environment in which they formed.
Published: 3/20/1970
ISBN Number: 0813721288
Pages: 97
Product Category: Special Papers