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Geologic Reconnaissance Eastern Cordillera Mexico

Geologic Reconnaissance Eastern Cordillera Mexico

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Full Title: Geologic Reconnaissance in the Eastern Cordillera of Mexico

Author: Charles Laurence Baker

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From the original catalog copy: This book is offered by the Society as a historical document of early geological investigations in Mexico made in the years 1920 to 1921 and 1924 to 1925 when maps and roads for motor vehicles generally did not exist. In fact, Dr. Baker walked over much of the terrain. When the manuscript was first submitted to the Society in June 1963, the Acting Editor, Fred A. Donath, sent it to Grover E. Murray, then President of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, for review. On returning the manuscript Murray commented that the paper had historical significance, and was a testimony to the author's ability to live off the countryside, to overcome harsh conditions, to live with people who were sometimes unfriendly, and to observe and record a fantastic amount of detail of the geology of a region whose geology is still incompletely known. Structural interpretation in this report is based on a reconnaissance made by the author of more than 100,000 square miles in the states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, and Tamaulipas. Mexico has structure much like that of the central Andean part of South America, with a metamorphic and plutonic complex on the Pacific side flanked successively eastward by volcanic highlands, a folded sedimentary cordillera, and eastern lowlands that have minor deformation. Mountains east of the volcanic-covered central highlands are built of folded and thrust Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks deposited in the west and northwest part of the Gulf of Mexico mobile province, a sedimentary geosyncline.

Published: 8/09/1971

ISBN Number: 0813721318

Pages: 114

Product Category: Special Papers