Full Title: Thermodynamic Properties of Water to 1,000° C and 10,000 Bars
Authors: C. Wayne Burnham, John R. Holloway, and Nicholas F. Davis
From original catalog copy: Knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of water at high temperatures and pressures recently has become increasingly important in many diverse fields. In the fields of igneous and metamorphic petrology, for example, knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of water and aqueous solutions is essential to a quantitative characterization of phase equilibrium relationships involving hydrous minerals, melts, and aqueous solutions at high temperatures and pressures. It is therefore essential to an understanding of many petrogenic processes. As a major step in the furtherance of this understanding, the authors have experimentally determined the specific volume of water in the temperature range 20°–900 °C and the pressure range 1000 to 8900 bars. Those data, together with the tabulated values of specified volume, entropy, and enthalpy up to 1000 bars and 800 °C in the National Engineering Laboratory Steam Tables 1964 have been used exclusively to derive the tables of thermodynamic properties presented here. The thermodynamic functions for water that are tabulated here consist of: (1) specific volume, (2) Gibbs free energy, (3) entropy, (4) enthalpy, (5) fugacity, and (6) fugacity coefficient. They cover the temperature range 20° to 1000 °C intervals, and the pressure range 100 to 10,000 bars, in 100-bar intervals. In addition, separate tables are presented for the Gibbs free energy at 0.01 and 1.0 bars, as well as for the coefficients in the three empirical equations of state upon which the tabulated values above 1000 bars are based.
Published: 8/28/1969
ISBN Number: 0813721326
Pages: 104
Product Category: EBooks