Editor: Jacob Freedman
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Special Paper 155 includes the published papers presented at the symposium on “Trace Element Geochemistry in Health and Disease” held at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 15, 1972, under the sponsorship of the Joint Technical Paper Committee of the Geological Society of America and the National Association of Geology Teachers. The first symposium on “Environmental Geochemistry in Relation to Human Health and Disease” was held in 1968 in Dallas, Texas, at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is published in Memoir 123 (1971) of the Geological Society of America. One paper presented at the symposium in Minneapolis, “The Chemical Behavior of Major and Minor Elements in Aquatic Environments at the Earth’s Surface” by R. C. Reynolds, is not included in Special Paper 155; an additional paper, “Some Possible Relationships of Water and Soil Chemistry to Cardiovascular Diseases in Indiana” by R. W. Klusman and H. I. Sauer, is included. Among others, the following symposia and conferences on trace elements and health have contributed additional data: Trace Substances in Environmental Health, I—VIII, D. D. Hemphill, editor, 1968 to 1975, proceedings of the annual conferences of the University of Missouri; Trace Element Metabolism in Animals (TEMA)—I, edited by C. F. Mills and published by E. and S. Livingstone, Edinburgh and London, 1970; TEMA—II, edited by W. G. Hoekstra and others, held in Madison, Wisconsin, and sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Madison and the United States Department of Agriculture; Geochemical Environment in Relation to Health and Disease, edited by H. C. Hopps and H. L. Cannon, Volume 99, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1972. The purposes of the symposia and conferences show a progressive change from revealing that the chemistry of natural materials in a geographic area is related to animal and human diseases; to effects of the geochemical environment on the health of living things and how these effects came about; to the interaction of trace elements, therapies for environmental deficiencies and toxic excesses, more detailed statewide studies of the impact of trace elements, and sample designs to minimize cost and effort. For the future, there is a need for intensive multidisciplinary studies of optimal requirements and availabilities of trace elements for man. Another major study, long overdue, should be on means of getting available information on trace elements used, as it is for plants and animals, for the benefit of mankind.
Published: 7/03/1975
ISBN Number: 0813721555
Pages: 126
Product Category: Special Papers