Full Title: Desert Dust: Origin, Characteristics, and Effect on Man
Editor: Troy L. Péwé
While a 1977 symposium organized by the author under the sponsorship of the AAAS was taking place, a storm was moving a million metric tons of dust to the east coast from New Mexico and Texas. This remarkable volume is an outgrowth—but not a complete record—of that symposium and contains some of the most astounding and comprehensive data and illustrations yet published. Twenty-five papers are presented in three sections: (1) origin of desert dust, source areas, and meteorological requirements; (2) physical characteristics of the dust; and (3) effects of desert dust on man, from its influences on climate and agriculture to its contribution to pollution, human disease, and multiple-vehicle automobile accidents. Well illustrated, this volume includes three color plates—two of which show clearly the tremendous size and power of desert dust storms.
Published: 12/10/1981
ISBN Number: 0813721865
Pages: 315
Product Category: EBooks